Italy - Sicily - Arts
One of the most beautiful sights in the world

Greek Theater of Syracuse

In his "Voyage en Sicile", published in 1788, Dominique Venon, Baron Denon, included the Greek Theater of Syracuse in the select group of the most beautiful sights in the world.

Nestled in the Neapolis Archaeological Park and built into the rock of the Temenite Hill, it was renovated in the third century BC and is among the most famous and important examples of the metropolis that rivaled Athens. Three fundamental features: the semi-circular stone auditorium, the orchestra and the stage, the latter characterized by grooves and trenches probably used in Roman times for circus events.

Every year in summer, at sunset, the scenic space echoes with tales told in Greek tragedies and comedies that remain relevant, reliving the magic of the stone theater in a breathtaking setting.